Best Movies 2012 (1)

BEST MOVIES RELEASED WORLDWIDE IN 2012 (in or­der of preference):

  1. Amour (France/Germany/Austria, 2012)
  2. Life of Pi (USA/Taiwan/UK, 2012)
  3. Holy Mo­tors (France/Germany, 2012)
  4. Las Aca­cias (Argentina/Spain, 2011)
  5. The Mas­ter (USA, 2012)
  6. Anna Karen­i­na (UK, 2012)
  7. The Im­pos­si­ble (Spain/USA, 2012)
  8. Week­end (UK, 2011)
  9. Shame (UK, 2011)
  10. Wreck-It Ralph (USA, 2012)

Note: The Hun­gar­i­an film Fi­nal Cut: Ladies & Gen­tle­men (Fi­nal Cut: Höl­gyeim és Uraim) has not been re­leased world­wide, ex­cept in fes­ti­vals, there­fore I’m not in­clud­ing it in the list. Oth­er­wise, it would have been #2 on the list.

Best Movies 2012 (2)

40 OTHER FILMS THAT DESERVE MENTION (in al­pha­bet­ic order):

Af­ter Lu­cia, or De­spués de Lucía (Mexico/France, 2012)
The An­gels’ Share (UK/France/Belgium/Italy, 2012)
Argo (USA, 2012)
Baby­call (Norway/Germany/Sweden, 2011)
Beasts of the South­ern Wild (USA, 2012)
Be­yond the Hills, or După Dealuri (Romania/France/Belgium, 2012)
Breath­ing, or At­men (Aus­tria, 2011)
The Cab­in in the Woods (USA, 2012)
The Dark Knight Ris­es (USA/UK, 2012)
Ele­na (Rus­sia, 2011)
Found Mem­o­ries, or Histórias Que Só Ex­is­tem Quan­do Lem­bradas (Brazil, 2011)
The Hunger Games (USA, 2012)
The Im­poster (UK, 2012)
In the House, or Dans la Mai­son (France, 2012)
Jack Reach­er (USA, 2012)
Killer Joe (USA, 2011)
Killing Them Soft­ly (USA, 2012)
Kuma (Aus­tria, 2012)
Law­less (USA, 2012)
Loop­er (USA/China, 2012)
Ma­ri­na Abramovic: The Artist Is Present (USA, 2012)
Martha Mar­cy May Mar­lene (USA, 2011)
Mon­sieur Lazhar (Cana­da, 2011)
On the Road (France/USA/UK/Brazil/Canada/Argentina, 2012)
Once Upon a Time in Ana­to­lia, or Bir Za­man­lar Anadolu’­da (Turkey, 2011)
Oslo, Au­gust 31st, or Oslo, 31. au­gust (Nor­way, 2011)
Per­fect Sense (UK/Sweden/Denmark/Ireland, 2011)
Re­al­i­ty (Italy/France, 2012)
Ro­bot & Frank (USA, 2012)
A Roy­al Af­fair, or En Kon­gelig Af­fære (Denmark/Sweden/Czech Republic/Germany, 2012)
Ruby Sparks (USA, 2012)
Search­ing for Sug­ar Man (Sweden/UK/Finland, 2012)
Sil­ver Lin­ings Play­book (USA, 2012)
Star­buck (Cana­da, 2011)
Take Shel­ter (USA, 2011)
Ted (USA, 2012)
Ter­rafer­ma (Italy/France, 2011)
Tr­ish­na (UK, 2011)
What’s in a Name?, or Le Prénom (France/Belgium, 2012)
Young Adult (USA, 2011)

Pre­vi­ous years: 2011, 2010


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