Best Movies 2010 (1)

BEST MOVIES RELEASED WORLDWIDE IN 2010 (in or­der of preference):

  1. In­cep­tion (USA/UK, 2010)
  2. The White Rib­bon (Germany/Austria/France/Italy, 2009)
  3. Eyes Wide Open (Israel/Germany/France, 2009)
  4. Shut­ter Is­land (USA, 2010)
  5. Toy Sto­ry 3 (USA, 2010)
  6. Mary and Max (Aus­tralia, 2009)
  7. The Se­cret in Their Eyes (Argentina/Spain, 2009)
  8. Cer­ti­fied Copy (France/Italy/Belgium/Iran, 2010)
  9. Of Gods and Men (France, 2010)
  10. The So­cial Net­work (USA, 2010)

Best Movies 2010 (2)

33 OTHER FILMS THAT DESERVE MENTION (in al­pha­bet­ic order):

About Elly, or Dar­bar­eye Elly (Iran/France, 2009)
Ago­ra (Spain, 2009)
Aja­mi (Germany/Israel, 2009)
The Amer­i­can (USA/UK, 2010)
An­oth­er Year (UK, 2010)
The Bad Lieu­tenant: Port of Call – New Or­leans (USA, 2009)
The Boys Are Back (Australia/UK, 2009)
Di­ary of a Wimpy Kid (USA, 2010)
Dog­tooth, or Kyn­odon­tas (Greece, 2009)
An Ed­u­ca­tion (UK/USA, 2009)
Exit Through the Gift Shop (UK, 2010)
Fair Game (USA/United Arab Emi­rates, 2010)
The Ghost Writer (France/Germany/UK, 2010)
Har­ry Pot­ter and the Death­ly Hal­lows: Part 1 (UK/USA, 2010)
Heart­beats, or Les Amours Imag­i­naires (Cana­da, 2010)
I Am Love, or Io Sono l’Amore (Italy, 2009)
I Love You Phillip Mor­ris (France/USA, 2009)
It Might Get Loud (USA, 2008)
Kick-Ass (UK/USA, 2010)
The King’s Speech (UK/USA/Australia, 2010)
Lebanon (Israel/France/Germany/UK, 2009)
Mon­sters (UK, 2010)
Moth­er, or Madeo (South Ko­rea, 2009)
Moth­er and Child (USA/Spain, 2009)
Nowhere Boy (UK/Canada, 2009)
On Tour, or Tournée (France/Germany, 2010)
Pre­cious (USA, 2009)
A Prophet, or Un Prophète (France/Italy, 2009)
The Road (USA, 2009)
Scott Pil­grim vs. the World (USA/UK/Canada/Japan, 2010)
Tan­gled (USA, 2010)
Up in the Air (USA, 2009)
Wall Street: Mon­ey Nev­er Sleeps (USA, 2010)


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